Sunday, March 3, 2013

Inspirational People

Before beginning my journey in the fashion industry I had always heard things about African Americans not getting jobs or not being respected etc. I "loved" fashion just like any other teenager thought they loved fashion but really had no idea what fashion really was. When I finally moved to New York after two years of dreaming I shared a dorm room with an asian boy. What we had in common was that we both wanted to work on the editorial side of the magazine industry. We would spend hours at night talking about what we wanted to do and so on and so on. He one day told me that it would be harder for me to get into the fashion industry because I am African American. Those words cut me deep but didn't stop me. As you all know I've interned at my fair share of magazines and my skin color wasn't in the way of me getting the job. In fact while interning at those magazines I've had some African American boss's who were pretty high up on the masthead. Also who were very influential and kind. They were the people who made me want to come into the office everyday just so that I could work with them. Below I'm going to give a shout out to a few of my pervious African American boss's who inspired me to keep going everyday.

Here is Shiona Turni my old boss from Teen Vogue when I interned there she was the Accessories Director and now is the Market Director at CR Fashion Book (which I'll be interning at soon *fingers crossed). She was " The Devil Wears Prada" in the office, or at least to us interns lol. I was noticed by her because of how should I put this? I wasn't afraid of her lol I would be the one that got sent into her office to ask if we could return a shoe or bag back to its Pr Firm. I guess that made me stand out to her and make her notice me because from then on she would ask me to do little task every now and then. Below is a photo of Shiona looking amazing as always. If you don't know who this women is, then you can't sit with us.
Along side Shiona is her bestie Rajni Jacques who is the Fashion News Editor at Glamour Magazine. I'm kind of obsessed with her lol I've been thinking about applying for a fashion news internship and who knows maybe I'll be her intern one day soon! (*I wish!!!)

On my last day as a Teen Vogue intern Shiona signed my Teen Vogue Handbook after I made her her own page. I read this page whenever I'm feeling down or need a reminder to never give up!

Next is Shiona's old Accessories Market Assistant Adet Samuel. Adet hired me and for that I will always be thankful. She was another person who I often helped in the office and because I was so helpful when she decided to leave Teen Vogue and begin her dream job as a Stylist she asked me to assist her on a photoshoot which I loved! I would love her old job as my starting position in the industry. Look at her, her style is out of this world and her instagram is often where I get some of my outfits inspired from!

Then there's Terrence Phearse. I first met him on Linkedin I know sounds crazy right? But when I came across his profile it couldn't help but write him and tell him how much of an inspiration he is. He's had about 10 internships he's been everywhere I've been and more. When I found out he was going to be my boss at my current internship I was ecstatic. Working with him is like having a big brother in the office who looks out for me and who's not afraid to tell me when I messed up. He teaches me so many things whether he knows it or not. 

I haven't directly come across many African American people in fashion though I know a lot of them by name and word of mouth. These 4 are spiritual mentors. Watching them makes me want this so much more and seeing them where they are lets me know that I will one day be there too!
Accessory Intern


  1. Not to offend, but I truly believe you got your internship success because of your incredible talent and passion for what you are doing,not your skin color! As someone who works in HR for a popular publishing company I honestly am kind of offended that you are only choosing to highlight the African American people in our industry, there are plenty of Hispanics, Asians, and people from European descent who are so skilled at what they do and the color of their skin is irrelevant as long as they are a talented person. You should admire all of the talented people not just those with a specific ethnic background. Don't let a negative stigma get in your way, show everyone that it doesn't matter where you come from, but how amazing you are as a person within.

    1. Hi Hal,
      If you read my post you'll know that I was speaking for myself as an African American young male something that no one will never understand unless you are one of us. I wanted to highlight the African Americans in the industry that I look up to because I was told that I might not ever get to become one of them. I have worked with many minorities as colleagues and some of them as my boss's and have had great connections and experiences with them. Don't be offended that wasn't my intent. Thank you for your comment and I won't let anyone's negatives comments stand in my way of becoming one of the greatest Accessories Directors of all time.

